DeSoto Beach Hotel and Vacation Properties Current Special Offers
Use Promo Code CRITZ
Use promo code CRITZ 1/31/25-2/1/25 valid on new reservation only, not valid with an other discounts. Call to make your reservation or make it online using promo code CRITZ to get 15% off your stay. Normal cancellation applies depending on property booked 3-7 days prior to arrival.
Expires on: 02/02/2025
Book Directly online and save 17% off our normal rates. This is online promotion only, good on new reservations only, not valid with any other discount. Not valid on special events and some Weekends. Enter below promo code BDSAVE
Expires on: 02/12/2025
Book any of our Vacation Properties or Hotel using promo code below and get every 4th night free (25% off each night) MUST STAY 4 NIGHTS CONSECUTIVELY new reservations only not valid with any other discounts. Valid 11/1-01/30 not including holidays. Enter promo Code Winter4for3 below.
PROMO CODE: winter4for3
Expires on: 01/30/2025